October 8th 2002: Added links in the Gaming area to "EverCrack Attic". This is where I will be posting screen shots I have acumulated from EverQuest.
June 28th 2002: Re-added the Mini-Poll! oooo Excitement!
June 25th 2002: Fixed the link to the animal pics. 13 pics total.
June 13th 2002: No updates yet. :( Livestock '02 pics to come. (What I'm allowed to post heh heh)
sometime after March 19th 2002: Happy March! I don't know what is so special about it but hope you have a happy one. I have become part of the PISSED OFF RING so you can jump to many other kewl sites from the bottom of this page. There are some interesting sites out there, I like Smurfy's Shroom. BAD NEWS! I can't update my site from work anymore! Do you know what that means? It means that I need to work on my site during my FREE TIME. That's a bummer. Oh well, Enjoy.March 19th 2002: The service provider I used for getting here as well as for the poll, the webring, and the mailing list had temporarily gone down. This is why some of you who tried to get here using the "Clik.to\Kryogen" link have not been able to. All is well now tho! Register with my site today!
March 8th 2002: The mailing list form is down as well as the Site Ring :( BUT! I have posted all 4 pictures I have from the Halloween party at Lucy and Kat's house. You can get there from the Navigation menu to the left!
Oct 17th : I have finally named the site! I know it looks cheesy but I have designed several options and posted them here for you to vote on! You can vote as many times as you want and if you think the image could be improved upon, leave a comment with your vote. There are several new items on the navigation bar on the left so check em out if you want to. (you know I want you to ;) And the guestbook is back with a vengance too. It has also been brought to my attention that when using a ..eh hem.. Dial-up service, this page takes approxamately 2 hours to open. So, I will probably be getting rid of some of the more intense graphics to hasten the load time. 1st to go may be my really kewl navigation bar. I'm really proud of it, but I want this page to load fairly fast. All this for YOU! Have a good day!
Oct 1st : The site has moved but as long as you use "Clik.to/Kryogen" you will be redirected here.(which seems to have worked!) Not really much new to say. I have been slacking on the site a bit, but I will be adding some links to some online games. I found versions of the classic "Breakout", "SpyHunter", and Bejeweled. I have also started to make the page that will contain screen shots from Everquest. Although they will have a limited audience, I will still post them. If you have any pics you would like me to post, lemme know! -*On a side note*- this new website provider has built in chat rooms and message boards which I will be switching to to avoid additional pop up ads. L8r!
Aug 30th : I found an interesting article about a long-time battle between men and women when living together. Interesting and very informative, NOT! Check it out here.
Aug 25th : Forums are now active!
Aug. 23rd : Greetings!I hope all 4 of you are doing well!(^_^) I have started posting several pictures of storm clouds I have taken. Pretty kewl, check 'em out here! I am still working on a gaming page by implimenting frames and to do so I have switched from the banner ads to the darn pop-up windows. They can be pretty bad and I care about you and your visit to my webpage. So, I have opened a new polling question to get your response. Remember, you can always shoot me an email by clicking on the spinning email pic on the left. Thank you for visiting again